Few tips to keep ourselves healthier

June 2nd, 2009  |  Published in Health

  1. Early morning relaxation is good for us as the mind and body are both fresh after a good night’s sleep of 7 to 8 hours.
  2. Breathing in and out deeply helps us take in oxygen that cleanses our inner system and take out carbon dioxide which takes out the toxins in our bodies.
  3. Thirty minutes of daily aerobic exercise helps us burn the fat in our bodies and gives us more energy to perform our daily activities.
  4. Mediation helps us be at peace with ourselves. Spending fifteen minutes to relax our thoughts in a quiet place is enough to restore our mental and physical balance.
  5. Eating a nutritious diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, daily, legumes and nuts makes us stronger and improve our immune system. We can release some stress from our lives if we practice behaviors that will lead to more satisfaction and give meaning to our lives.

Have a positive outlook on life:

Think realistically.

Be more receptive to others by becoming good listeners.

Listen to music.

Give your mind and body a caress.


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