What’s with Eucalyptus tree being cut?

June 13th, 2009  |  Published in General Awareness  |  5 Comments

eucalyptusIn a recent development, the tall Eucalyptus trees, spread all over the city are being chopped of at a rapid pace. The reasons for this are diverse and not many seem to be complaining about the chopping.

Eucalyptus trees can be seen along the main roads, highways and in many parks.

With the coming up of a series of infrastructural projects involving flyovers, Metro tracks and broadening of roads, there has been an increase in frequency of them being cut down. The setting up of facilities for the 2010 Commonwealth games has also resulted in the cutting down of these trees.

As per the environmentalists, A Eucalyptus tree is an alien species brought to our country from Australia nearly 100 years ago. It is a threat to native species, it negatively effects the water table, does not sport bird life and even its leaves are not good for the soil. Its only use is commercial as it is used in the paper industry. But from the environmental point of view, its cutting down makes sense.

About Eucalyptus

  • A total of 700 species of Eucalyptus trees are found in the world. Most of these are found in Australia.
  • The first trees (eucalyptus globules) in India were planted in the Nilgiri Hills in 1834.
  • In the last four decades it was planted under the Social Forestry Scheme all over the country.
  • It is known as an invasive water sucking tree that reduces water availability for the outer species around it and dries the moisture in soil.
  • Its water sucking ability is used to drain swamps. Thus it is most suitable for the semi arid climate in Delhi.


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