How to Bake That Perfect Cake

December 25th, 2010  |  Published in TIPS

1 Right Texture: For a better textured cake, you can use buttermilk instead of milk if your recipe calls for milk, as buttermilk contains more acid than milk. If you don’t have buttermilk on hand, you can make your own by stirring one teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar into one cup of milk.

2 Light and fluffy: For a lighter care, separate the eggs and add just the yolks to the butter mixture first. Then whip the egg whites separately using clean beaters until they form soft peaks, and then fold them into your cake batter.

3 Turning out sticky cake: If your cake is sticking to the pan, then to help remove it, place a thick clean towel in the kitchen sink and pour a kettle of boiling hot water over the towel to heat it. Now, set the cake (still inside the pan) on the hot towel and leave it for a minute or two, the cake should turn out easily.

4 Crumb free frosting: First ice the cake with a thin layer of frosting, then refrigerate (covered). After an hour you can do a complete frosting job. This helps keep the crumbs at bay and your outer frosting layer should be crumb free.

5 Cake cutting: Heat a knife, before cutting a cake for crumble-free slices. To heat the knife, you can run the knife under very hot water then wipe dry with a clean towel.


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