Carbs all the way: Fruits, vegetables, legumes and beans are low in fat and high in carbohydrates; these are essential for good health. Don’t use excess oil, ghee or butter as it transforms nutritious food into potential risk-bearers.
- Stuff secrets: More than processed food like bread, go in for chapattis and stuff them with vegetables.
- Red meat alert: Meats like beef, pork, lamb-meats are high in fat. Don’t build meals around them. Choose recipes that use small amounts of meat to flavor dishes, or base the dishes on vegetables, beans or grains. Rinse meat with hot water to help get rid of some fat.
- Fishy delights: Fish and seafood mostly low in fat are cod, flounder, lobster, scallops,
shrimp, snapper and sole. Fish that are fairly high in fat like herring, mackerel, and salmon are good for health as they have Omega-3 fatty acids. But see that you bake, broil, poach, or grill it. Don’t fry in butter, ghee or margarine.
- Butter no more: Butter, margarine and oils are 100 percent fats. Butter is the most harmful as it has the highest saturated fat.
November 26th, 2010 | Published in Health, TIPS