Exploring the realm of the laser

November 22nd, 2009  |  Published in Health, Technology

What does a laser clinic mean to a layman?
It is the latest technology in treating various things. It helps in treating birth-marks, wrinkles, pigmentation, stretch marks, weight loss etc. I must say it is the most advanced way of treatment.

Which are the most sought after laser treatments in India?
Permanent hair removal, skin rejuvenation and weight loss are the three most sought after treatments in India. And people from all walks of life and of all the ages are coming forward to take laser treatment. Basically, the craze is to look better and what better way than getting laser treatment. The popularity is more because laser treatment is the safer, faster, and effective way of treatment.

How informed are the people about laser treatments and its efficacy?
Not many people in India are informed about laser treatment especially in tier II cities and smaller towns. One more reason is that it is growing and there are very few centers in India. Places like Delhi and Mumbai have many centers but not the smaller towns. Even then in all there would be only 70-80 laser treatment centers in India.

What are the steps you think should be taken to popularize it?
The only way to popularize it is through media or word of mouth. However, word of mouth is difficult because many people who get these treatments for looking good hardly go out and tell that they got some treatment done. These people want to show that they look good naturally. So, the only solution left is to market heavily.

What will be your suggestions to people before they go for a particular laser clinic?
Before deciding to finally go for the treatment you must get detailed consultations with the doctors. Then find out about the suitability of treatment that they are giving you, also ask for a free test. Do not forget to ask for the number of sittings that will be required for the treatment.

Also get an idea about the hidden charges, precautions required during the treatment and about the post-operative care to be taken.


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