How To Balance Out Excess Salt

January 13th, 2011  |  Published in TIPS

Chick peas

The moment you have accidentally added more salt to your food while preparing, immediate though that comes to mind… Oh My God!! What should I do now…? This is something which can happen with anyone, here are few tips which might turn out to be useful in reducing excess salt.

1 Vinegar and Sugar: To balance out excess salt in your dish, put a little vinegar and half a teaspoon sugar in the gravy.

2 Make it creamy: If your recipe has cream, then add some more cream to it to alter the taste. Add little at a time and taste the preparation before serving.

3 The sponge effect:  Throw a cut-up potato or a ball of kneaded dough into the dish. It will soak up the salt. Taste the gravy before serving and throw away the kneaded dough/potato before serving. This is the maximum used method amongst all(used at homes) which is tried out, because nothing extra(which can alter taste) is needed and rarely time consuming.

4 Cooking up: The best and the most reliable way to balance out excess salt from your food is to redo a salt-less small quantity of the gravy and then mix it with the salted preparation. However, this arrangement is possible only if you have enough time on your hand. So, even though this is the most reliable and trusted way it is seldom tried at home dishes.

5 Chick-pea recipes: If you have added extra salt in your chick pea dish, then boil half a cup of white chick peas without salt and add to the recipe. Else, deep fry some pieces of potato and add to the recipe with cut pieces of green chilies and tomato.

Please add on to these if you have some other tips which can help in reducing excess salt,


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