Health Happiness

June 2nd, 2009  |  Published in Health

While going through the magazine called “Living India” I came across this wonderful article on Happiness and Health.

Happiness is a feeling associated with a peaceful state of mind where a person lives life to the fullest and is intensely content. It is a state of well being that arises from positive emotions like joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment. It is an emotion that operates on the foundations of self-realization, successful personal growth, positive experience, self acceptance and self actualization. Research has shown that people who are happier are healthier and overall more satisfied with life.

What is Happiness?

H – Health

A – Aptitude

P – Pleasure

P – Positive

I – Intelligent decision making

N – Negotiate mentally

E – Excitement

S – Self realization

S – Smile

Happiness is Me

We all are perfect the way we are but we can always advance mentally and spiritually. We need to satisfy all our needs, starting with the basic physiological needs going all the way to the highest need of self actualization, the need to realize our potential and to nurture it to the fullest. Everyone has goals in life and in order to achieve them one needs to keep nurturing themselves by adding to their treasure of knowledge. We want to be achievers and be able to live a healthy, enjoyable, joyful and well-rounded life.

Happiness is fueling my desires.

In order to achieve something we need to conceive it, put it into action by using the right techniques and cement it using the right tools. Many times we think that to reach our goals we will have to go through complex thinking and conceptualization, but most often than not, the road to success is performing simple tasks but with persistence.

You just need to keep putting in the effort and be patient; lo and behold, one day you will have reaped the fruit from the seed you sowed. You just need to soil and water your desire with hard work and very soon you will be enjoying the fruit of your labor.

Happiness is My Choice

Happiness is something that is in our control and if we choose we can be happy all the time. However, we don’t always realize it; most of the time we look outside for sources of happiness. If we begin to look at all the positives around us and decide to be happy no matter what, living is a pleasure, even in the most distressing circumstances. A person who is looking at the positives around him is the person who will come out glowing even at the worst of times because he has made a decision to be happy at all times. He himself is the winner in the end.

Social Happiness

Humans are social animals and we have a need to be recognized and loved by others. In our frenzy to fulfill this need we give in a lot and let other people’s opinion influence our thinking. What do we get out of it? The other people are not even aware of what is going on in your mind but you are stressing yourself over what they must be thinking.

Isn’t it time for us to be honest with ourselves, lead good life and leave the rest up to the beautiful energy all round us? We should influence others with positive energy we have inside ourselves. However we should also be careful not to let the negative energy of others influence us.


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