Take up a hobby. Nurturing an activity will promote your larger interests. If you like acting, try to audition for a local theatre group or as an outdoor person, organize a trek.
- Taking on responsibilities such as washing the dishes or cooking will lead to self-sufficiency. This will inspire an independent outlook, allowing you to develop useful skill sets.
- Read, read and read. Those who indulge in the habit of reading tend to be more imaginative and inspired. They are also better informed, thus allowing for a better quality life.
- Learn more about other cultures. Pick up other languages. If your school does not offer classes in foreign languages, you can take up additional classes or learn a language at home through interactive CDs of the internet. This adds to your knowledge and languages learnt look good on CVs later
- Every student must strike a balance between studies and enjoyment. Those who stress over academics must be encouraged to take time to smell the roses and those who are lax in studies should be made aware that they have the potential to achieve a lot more
- Speak to your parents about your hopes and aspirations; talk as much as you can to your teachers about future plane. Advice from older people can go a long way in helping you shape up plans. There might even be great mentor hidden in your dad!
- Heard of Colleges? Take time out to visit the well-known ones. May be you’ll there one day.