Hair Remover Treatment Guide

July 14th, 2011  |  Published in TIPS

Consult a doctor: It is very important to consult a qualified medical practitioner (plastic surgeon or a dermatologist) and not go in for salon treatment, as medical treatment may also be needed afterwards.

Test time: Excessive hair in women is commonly due to polycystic ovarian disease, and every female patient should be investigated with the hormone test. Also, ultrasound should be done before the treatment.

Carry a test patch: A test patch should be done before the actual treatment, which is a good way to get the feel of what the treatment is like, know whether you can tolerate the pain and see how your skin will react. One should know about their exact skin tone, what motor should be used and what results can be expected.

Suit your skin: The laser treatment should not be done in hurry. The treatment is basically done in six stages, one each month. It should not be completed in one go. It is important to see the laser you are treated with dose not react with your skin. It should suit your skin type.

Remember: Do not go for the treatment if the skin is broken, red, irritated or inflamed, or if one is suffering from any kind of allergy. Nothing is more important than the guidance of an experienced and well qualified doctor. Make sure you consult few doctors before finalizing the doctor who will conduct the treatment on you.

[via. Hindustan Times]


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