How To Unclog Your Arteries

April 16th, 2011  |  Published in Featured, Health, TIPS

Before finding ways to unclog your arteries, it is very important to know how they become clogged in the first place. Arteries get clogged when plaque builds up along the artery walls. Plaque is made of cholesterol, fat, calcium, inflammatory cells, waste material, protein and fibrin, which float around the body. These plaques restrict blood flow and cause arteries to rupture and lead to blood clots, which then blocks blood flow and lead to heart attack and stroke.

Symptoms of clogged arteries lack of energy, pain in legs or arms and some memory problems. Too much saturated fat, hydrogenated fats, sugar, processed foods, and minimum intake of antioxidants, coupled with poor stress management, late nights and no exercise lead to the development of heart disease and clogged arteries.

Food That Help

Regular intake of certain foods can help prevent arteries from clogging. Garlic, cloves and cumin reduce harmful cholesterol and promote anti-clotting activity. Rich in clot-bursting omega 3 fats, walnuts help to maintain elasticity of arteries. Pomegranates are rich in vitamin C; spinach, too, is full of vitamins A and C and helps release plaque lining the arteries. While olive oil is the richest source of heart-friendly oils, onions improve blood circulation so eat half an onion with each meal.

Unclog Your Arteries

  • Crush garlic and cook it lightly with tomatoes in a teaspoon of olive or groundnut oil. Spread the paste on a slice of whole wheat bread or a whole wheat khakra (oil-free) and have it for breakfast along with a glass of vegetable juice made from half a raw onion, two carrots and two tomatoes.

  • Increase dietary fiber by eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and oatmeal. Avoid junk, non-vegetarian food and highly processed foods. Foods with plant sterols like brown rice, whole wheat, nuts, pumpkin seeds, vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and tomato are very beneficial.

  • Regular exercise helps to reduce bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol which decreases plaque formation inside the arteries. Practice Yoga and meditation to reduce stress.


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