How to Take Care of Foot during Monsoon

June 26th, 2011  |  by  |  published in TIPS

How to Take Care of Foot during Monsoon

Keep the Sweat Away: The feet sweat more during monsoon, so avoid wearing your closed footwear. Instead go for slippers and waterproof clogs and sandals Talcum powder works: Monsoon is a moist season so protect your feet from foot infections and nail infections. Camphor powder is an effective antiseptic. Mix it with talcum powder and […]

How To Take Care For Woolen Carpets

June 18th, 2011  |  by  |  published in TIPS

How To Take Care For Woolen Carpets

Vacuum Well: Flip the carpet upside down and vacuum the back of the carpet, once a month. Use a beater brush or rotating brush vacuum on the back of the woolen carpet or on both sides if it’s a synthetic rug. Fringe Care: Don’t use vacuum on fringes and tassels of a carpet. When you […]

How To Maintain Leather Footwear

June 18th, 2011  |  by  |  published in TIPS

How To Maintain Leather Footwear

Clean and Condition: Cleaning, conditioning, polishing and protecting your leather shoes can make them last for years. Shoe cleaners come in gels, foams, sprays, liquids and creams. Many leather cleaners come with an applicator top, or you can use a soft shoe brush to aid in removing dirt from the surface of the shoe. Rub […]

How To Tone Up Your Arms

June 18th, 2011  |  by  |  published in Health, TIPS

How To Tone Up Your Arms

Arm Curl: Keeping your elbows tucked in place at your sides; curl the dumbbell up to your chin, but not so far that your forearms are perpendicular to the floor. Always keep tension on the biceps throughout the motion. Do not let the biceps relax at the bottom of the rep. Keep the tension on […]

How To Disguise Your Looks Best: Men

June 18th, 2011  |  by  |  published in TIPS

How To Disguise Your Looks Best: Men

Make sure your clothes fit you well: Clothes should fit perfectly. Garments should skim over your body and smooth out its surface. Stay away from too tight clothes as they will reveal all the lumps and bumps you’d rather hide from other people’s eyes. And too loose clothes are not for you either, since they […]

How To Decorate Cake

June 14th, 2011  |  by  |  published in TIPS

How To Decorate Cake

What needs decoration? In case you want to eat the cake warm from the oven, no topping or sauce is needed. Also, cakes such as fruit cakes need not be decorated, as they look good enough otherwise. Cakes suitable for decoration are cupcakes, wedding cakes, birthday and party cakes. Keep it Simple: If you are […]

How to Buy Air Conditioner Carefully

June 11th, 2011  |  by  |  published in Electronics, TIPS

How to Buy Air Conditioner Carefully

If you are looking for an air-conditioner than only brand value cannot help you to go for it, there are several other attributes which you need to look into. Every company has several ranges and types of AC that within them it becomes to filter out the choices. Below mentioned few things might help you […]

How To Enjoy SPA Experience At Home

June 11th, 2011  |  by  |  published in TIPS

How To Enjoy SPA Experience At Home

Me Time: Take out an hour and a half to detox your body and calm your nerves in the quiet of your own home. The entire process should aim at cleansing and nourishing your skin. Prepare an atmosphere of calm and quiet at home. De-stress mantra: Make a stress-relieving rub by taking two tablespoon grape […]

How To Care for Skin On Beach Holiday

June 11th, 2011  |  by  |  published in TIPS

How To Care for Skin On Beach Holiday

Apply Sunscreen: Swimming is more harmful as, water acts like a lens and lets the sunlight penetrate deeper into the skin. Apply water resistant sunscreen lotion 20-30 minutes before going to the beach and re-apply it after swimming. Cocoa effect: Use cocoa butter to prevent harmful peeling; they come in reasonable OTC (Over-the-counter) brands.

How much salt is too much?

June 4th, 2011  |  by  |  published in Featured, Health, TIPS

How much salt is too much?

Consuming too much salt leads to increase in fluid level in body and raises the blood pressure. High blood pressure predisposes us to heart disease. This additional pressure injures arteries that transport blood and blocks them with fatty deposits.  Too much salt intake doubles the risk of stomach cancer and aggravates symptoms of asthma. Eating […]


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